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Zhongshan's first 'Plan with Design' construction land project transferred
Updated: 2021-12-09    Source: Large Medium Small Print


The recent transfer of land rights for the 51,789.2-square-meter state-owned construction land in Maosheng Village, Torch Development Zone marked the launch of the first 'plan with design' construction land project in Zhongshan. The bid-winning enterprise can begin construction within one working day.

"Plan with Design" land transfer refers to a new program where the land use design scheme is compiled and announced by the government before transferring land rights, and after examination and approval, the design scheme will be included in official documents and publicized. After signing the land transfer contract, the bid-winner can directly apply for the Construction Project Planning Permit and the Construction Blueprint Qualification Letter.

"In the past, after purchasing land, enterprises had to run errands back and forth to submit materials for approval, and it took over one month to apply for the Construction Land Planning Permit and other documents. Now, through this new program, it takes only one working day to complete all the approval procedures," said a spokesperson of the Zhongshan Bureau of Natural Resources.

The requirements for the "Plan with Design" program vary according to the scale of the project, with greater flexibility.

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