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Nanlang Town announces red tourism routes
Updated: 2021-06-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Former Residence of Yang Yin

The Nanlang Town Revolutionary History Tourist Route Promotion Conference was held in Zuobu Village, Nanlang Town on June 26. The first tourist routes and the intelligent tourism navigation system were unveiled at the conference.


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Half-day Tour A: Former Residence of Yang Yin - Former Residence of Yang Rishao and Yang Rizhang - Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen - Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School - Zhongshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

Half-day Tour B: Former Volunteer Site in Zhongshan's Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Zhongshan Guerrilla Brigade Exhibition Hall) - Ou's Family Ancestral Hall of Zuobu Village (former site of the Zhongshan County Guerrilla Brigade and Binhai District Administrative Committee) - Former Site of Zuobu Village CPC Branch (Former Residence of Ou Chu) - Zuobu Village Party-Masses Service Center - Zuobu Village Party Digital Learning Park - Zuobu Culture and History Exhibition Hall - Zuobu Bookstore

Half-day Tour C: Former Site of the White Pigeon Station - Former Volunteer Site in Zhongshan's Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Zhongshan Guerrilla Brigade Exhibition Hall) - Li Huazhao Martyrs Memorial Pavilion and Monument

Full-day Tour A: Former Residence of Yang Yin - Former Residence of Yang Rishao and Yang Rizhang - Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen - Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School - Zhongshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery - Ou's Family Ancestral Hall of Zuobu Village (former site of the Zhongshan County Guerrilla Brigade and Binhai District Administrative Committee) - Former Site of Zuobu Village CPC Branch (Former Residence of Ou Chu) - Zuobu Village Party-Masses Service Center - Zuobu Village Party Digital Learning Park - Zuobu Culture and History Exhibition Hall - Zuobu Bookstore

Full-day Tour B: Ou's Family Ancestral Hall of Zuobu Village (former site of the Zhongshan County Guerrilla Brigade and Binhai District Administrative Committee) - Former Site of Zuobu Village CPC Branch (Former Residence of Ou Chu) - Zuobu Village Party-Masses Service Center - Zuobu Village Party Digital Learning Park - Zuobu Culture and History Exhibition Hall - Zuobu Bookstore - Former Volunteer Site in Zhongshan's Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Zhongshan Guerrilla Brigade Exhibition Hall) - Baiqi Village and Denglongkeng Village (Sanshanhu Mountain Battlefield - Guerrilla March Experience, Revolutionary Study Tour, etc) - Former Site of the White Pigeon Station

Full-day Tour C: Former Residence of Yang Yin - Former Residence of Yang Rishao and Yang Rizhang - Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen - Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School - Zhongshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery - Former Volunteer Site in Zhongshan's Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Zhongshan Guerrilla Brigade Exhibition Hall) - Li Huazhao Martyrs Memorial Pavilion and Monument - Former Site of the White Pigeon Station

Two-day Tour: 

Day 1: Former Residence of Yang Yin - Former Residence of Yang Rishao and Yang Rizhang - Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen - Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School - Zhongshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery - Ou's Family Ancestral Hall of Zuobu Village (former site of the Zhongshan County Guerrilla Brigade and Binhai District Administrative Committee) - Former Site of Zuobu Village CPC Branch (Former Residence of Ou Chu) - Zuobu Village Party-Masses Service Center - Zuobu Village Party Digital Learning Park - Zuobu Culture and History Exhibition Hall - Zuobu Bookstore

Day 2: Li Huazhao Martyrs Memorial Pavilion and Monument - Former Volunteer Site in Zhongshan's Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Zhongshan Guerrilla Brigade Exhibition Hall) - Baiqi Village and Denglongkeng Village (Sanshanhu Mountain Battlefield - Guerrilla March Experience, Revolutionary Study Tour, etc) - Former Site of the White Pigeon Station

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