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Yongmo among 4th national key villages of rural tourism
Updated: 2022-12-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The former residence of Zheng Guanying. [Photo by Yu Zhaoyu]

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly announced the fourth batch of national key villages of rural tourism and the second batch of national key towns (townships) of rural tourism. Yongmo Village in Zhongshan's Sanxiang Town was selected to become the second national key village of rural tourism in Zhongshan.

Established in the Northern Song Dynasty, Yongmo is the hometown of Zheng Guanying, a famous modern reformist and industrialist. With many historical and cultural sites such as the former residence of Zheng Guanying, Luo Sanmei Mountain Park, Qi'ao Ancient Raod and the Zheng's Ancestral Hall complex, Yongmo is a typical historical village in Zhongshan.

The year 2022 marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of Zheng Guanying. Sanxiang has renovated his former residence and upgraded the surrounding facilities, created a new garden-style public space the Zhihe Garden, and completed repair projects for such venues as the Shimmer of History Square, the Jihou Garden, the memorial garden, the Hall of Celebrities and Memorial Square, some dwellings and the Fuzhutang Administrative Office.

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