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South District cooperates with SCNU to improve education level
Updated: 2019-03-22    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The administration office of South District, Zhongshan signed an educational promotion and strategic development cooperation agreement with South China Normal University on Wednesday morning. The "Regional Education Modern Collaborative Innovation Base" was also inaugurated on the very same day.

Cooperative activities between South District and SCNU will be implemented in the next 5 years. SCNU aims to activate educational resources and improve the elementary education level of South District. In addition, they are tasked with advancing the quality of education, expanding superior educational resource coverage, quickening the pace of regional education modernization, and urging the further development of South District's education. They will achieve these by carrying out school diagnoses, development planning, teacher staff training, disciplinary policy improvement, characteristic program creation, the building of elite schools, and other beneficial projects.

"In the specified time-frame, SCNU will organize an expert team to provide intellectual and talent support for South District which aims to improve local education," said Chen Wenhai, SCNU's Vice Chancellor.

SCNU was founded in 1993. It was selected as one of the national "211 Project" key universities in 1996, and one of the national "World-Class Discipline" projects in 2017.

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