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A record of 1.29mn passengers depart from Zhongshan in Spring Festival
Updated: 2018-02-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Spring Festival Transport Office released the passenger report for the Spring Festival holiday on February 22, the first working day of Chinese New Year.

Reportedly, from February 14 to 20, a record of 1.29mn passengers departed from Zhongshan taking road traffic, railway or waterway, with a 5.88% growth from a year earlier. In specific, 1.11mn passengers took road traffic, 0.14mn railway, and 0.04mn waterway.

“The railway passengers increased year by year, which means that railway traffic has become one of the major means of transportation of Zhongshan citizens'.” Said a staff of Zhongshan Spring Festival Transport Office. 

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