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ZSTCMH sets up its three-level rehabilitation network
Updated: 2021-07-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Guests from the Zhongshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital (ZSTCMH) on July 23 were invited to the "Friday Voice of the People" program to interact with citizens on topics such as the establishment of the rehabilitation network.

Lai Haibiao, Party committee secretary of the hospital, noted that a "three-level rehabilitation network" has been basically established after several years of progress,  and rehabilitation services are now within reach for citizens.

Several years ago, ZSTCMH began to build a rehabilitation alliance connecting the hospitals at city, town and sub-district, and community levels. So far, the alliance has been set up with the close cooperation among ZSTCMH and 11 town and sub-district hospitals including West District Hospital and Dongfeng People's Hospital.

This year, ZSTCMH joined hands with Shaxi Longdu Hospital to build a new-type medical treatment alliance. The two will cooperate on technical assistance, personnel training, resource sharing and two-way referral through patient ward rounds, clinical sessions and surgery consultations.

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