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Zhongshan accelerates incubator internationalization
Updated: 2017-12-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 3-day Israeli and International Incubator Management Course was recently carried out in Zhongshan.

“The course organizer the China-Israel (Zhongshan) Technology Innovation Center is one of the important manifestation of technological cooperation between Zhongshan and Israel, as well as the first achievement co-developed by Zhongshan Science and Technology Bureau and Israeli Weizmann Institute of Science.” Said Chen Xichong, Deputy Director of Zhongshan Science and Technology Bureau.

By the end of November this year, Zhongshan has 48 incubators in all kinds, covering more than 1 million sqm of site areas. In 2015 and 2016, more than 50 high-tech companies in Zhongshan were born by incubators.

China-Israel (Zhongshan) Technology Innovation Center was founded in April this year. According to the Vice President Zhao Rong, the center was entrusted by Israeli technology authority to carry out cooperation with the world’s renowned Weizmann Institute of Science, hoping to promote Zhongshan’s technological industrialization and upgrade.

Mr John, a Jewish American, is one of the partners of China-Israel (Zhongshan) Technology Innovation Center. He considered Zhongshan is one of the active economic forces in South China and that is why he chose to work here.

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