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Zhongshan Smart Cutting Rapid-processing Platform’ comes into use
Updated: 2017-12-25    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Zhongshan Smart Cutting Rapid-processing Platform started operation days before. It is the first clothing public service platform for shared-trait factories in Guangdong.

Cutting is one of the core processes in clothing industry. Traditionally, it is done by workers with electric scissors. According to Xiao Zhangbing, General Manager of Zhongshan Wandali Clothing Limited, the company had spent more than 1mn yuan on purchasing 2 cutting rapid-processing machines for production efficiency improvement. “We have doubled the efficiency, halved the manpower, and lowered the error rate.” Said Xiao. However, he added, most of the small and medium enterprises were not yet capable of putting investment on advanced equipment of this kind.

According to Zhongshan Economic and Information Technology Bureau, Zhongshan aims to improve productivity of small and medium enterprises with “internet plus” mode by establishing resource sharing platform. The first step was to develop the cutting rapid-processing platform for clothing industry. 

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