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HOME > Business >Entrepreneurship & Innovation > Tsuihang New District selected as ‘provincial entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base’
Tsuihang New District selected as ‘provincial entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base’
Updated: 2018-01-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission recently released the second list of “provincial entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases”, according to Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau. Tsuihang New District was the only one of Zhongshan city selected as the “regional demonstration base”. At this point, Zhongshan has 2 approved provincial entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases (Torch Zone and Tsuihang New District) and 1 national-level demonstration base (Torch Zone).

Reportedly, there are three types of entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base: regional demonstration base, university and research institute demonstration base, and enterprise demonstration base. “Regional demonstration base” aims to develop in combination with comprehensive innovation and reform test area, national comprehensive reform pilot area and national innovation demonstration area and is required to explore and form the regional entrepreneurship and innovation support system and experience by gathering capital, talents, technologies, policies and other advantage resources.

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