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To connect innovation platforms
Updated: 2018-02-05    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

After upgraded, the main building of Minsen Technology Information Park, which is located in Sanjiao Town, is especially stylish. The artificial lake in front of the building reflects both the technological and cultural features of the Diyin Lake Technology Park.

“The government work report for this year mentions to establish ‘Two Districts, One Lake and One Island’ structure. The ‘One Lake’ refers right to the Diyin Lake (Technology Park).” Says Xu Yongming, Vice Office Director of Sanjiao Branch Park of Zhongshan Torch Development Zone. In the future after the East Outer Ring Highway opens, he adds, Huangpu, Sanjiao, Minzhong, Torch Zone, Tsuihang New District, Nanlang and Tanzhou will be connected with each other and also with surrounding cities such as Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhuhai. 

In addiction to this, six out of nine proposed industrial platforms based in Zhongshan are distributed around the “Two Districts, One Lake and One Island” area.

The government work report also mentions to accelerate consturction of innovation platforms such as Tanzhou Technology and Innovation Island and Diyin Lake Technology Park in order to establish the “Two Districts, One Lake and One Island” structure with Torch Zone and Tsuihang New District.

The Diyin Lake Technology Park, which is one of nine proposed industrial platforms, is a “industry-university-research” integrated platform.

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