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Zhongshan adds another provincial intelligent manufacturing public technology platform
Updated: 2018-09-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The “Smart Factory Equipment Integrated Application Public Service Platform” built by Zhongshan Handsome Industrial Equipment Co Ltd is selected one of the second Guangdong Province Intelligent Manufacturing Public Technology Platforms. The company becomes the second platform enterprise of this kind in Zhongshan following Shuotai Intelligent Equipment Co Ltd, whose “Guangdong Province Precise Electronics and Home Appliances Intelligent Manufacturing Public Service Platform” was selected last year.

According to Zhongshan Economic and Information Technology Bureau, the “Smart Factory Equipment Integrated Application Public Service Platform” mainly provides advanced industrial robots, intelligent manufacturing equipment and system integration solutions, industry common technology research, professional personnel training, typical case display and technical consultation services for home appliances, motors, food and other industries. 

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