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01 Incubator: a warm place for enterprise growth
Updated: 2019-01-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Chinese New Year Spring Festival is approaching, but Guangdong Titans Intelligent Power Co Ltd, which is located at Torch Zone-based 01 Co-Creation Technology Business Incubator (01 Incubator), was still under busy production.

"Our revenue was just 1 million yuan in the first year of incubated, but has topped 10 million yuan in 2018. We also became the client of leading forklift manufacturer in the country." Ji Qinghong, general manager of Titans, said the company is seeing rapid development after two years' incubation.

Titans is just one of the star enterprises in 01 Incubator. At present, there are 35 companies under incubation, according to Zhu Songwen, general manager of 01 Incubator. A total of 9 companies had "graduated" from the incubator.

In November 2018, 01 Incubator was identified "National Tech Firm Incubating Unit". 22 of its incubated companies have acquired independent intellectual property rights, accounting for 63% of the total.

Zhu said last year 01 Incubator has specially accumulated a number of potential customers from such areas as high-end equipment manufacturing, new generation of electronic information technology industry, and etc.

In 2018, 01 Incubator added 14 incubated companies and 4 high-tech firms.

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