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Realizing entrepreneurial dreams in little 'Silicon Valley'
Updated: 2019-03-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


On the morning of March 12, Chen Ziqiang and Zhang Kaixing, who graduated from the Zhongshan Institute of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), were distributing investment invitations for 300 Jingdong locations at the Zhongshan Zhixian Creative Science and Technology Building. The Zhongshan Zhixian Creative Science and Technology Building, also known as the Zhixian Building, is located about 200 meters from the north entrance of the Zhongshan Institute of UESTC.

In recent years, Zhongshan has seen a growing number of youth managed entrepreneurial innovation bases spring up. Among them, the Zhixian Building is unique. It is located in a prime location with abundant university resources nearby. The Zhixian Building also features a modern office environment. It has rapidly become a fertile platform for students of the Zhongshan Institute of UESTC to start a new business.

According to Gao Lianzhen, Operation Manager of the Zhixian Building, more than 100 managers have moved on from their positions at the building since it opened in 2015. Another 80 are still working in the building.

College students enter the Zhixian Building to start businesses, and the developed business leaders move out onto a larger stage. This small "Silicon Valley," located within Zhongshan, has quickly become the place for college students to realize their entrepreneurial dreams.

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