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Zhongshan's entrepreneurship atmosphere 'receives likes'
Updated: 2019-04-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On the morning of April 20, dozens of youth representatives from Hong Kong and Macao came to Zhongshan to participate in the exchange activity with the theme of "Having a Look at Zhongshan in the Bay Area". 

During the exchange activity, the Hong Kong and Macao representatives visited ZOS-PARK, HRG's South China headquarters, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge Management Center, etc. 

The visitors had an in-depth talk with the directors of the entrepreneurial projects in ZOS-PARK. They gave thumbs up for Zhongshan's innovative and entrepreneurial atmosphere created for young people when they got to know ZOS-PARK has been providing the first-class entrepreneurial environment, preferential policy supports and all-round business service to overseas returnees, and has successfully forged a whole chain incubation mode integrating "pre-incubator-incubator-accelerator-industrial park". 

In HRG's South China headquarters, the "dancing" manipulators were seen working uniformly. The visitors marveled at "Zhongshan Smart Manufacturing" and the city’s innovation capacity. 

In the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge Management Center, the youths from Hong Kong and Macao got perceptual knowledge of the construction of the world-class project through short documentaries, display boards and on-the-spot investigation. 

"It will take much shorter time traveling between Hong Kong and Zhongshan after the openning of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge. This will be beneficial for friends and relatives visiting and employment and entrepreneurship in both places," said one of the Hong Kong visitors. 

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