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NHTP brand companies see robust development
Updated: 2019-08-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The new production line of Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited has passed the GMP authentication. [Photo by Xia Shengquan]

Two new workshops of the Zhongzhi Chinese Traditional Medicine Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited that is based in the National Health Technology Park (NHTP), obtained their GMP certificates In late July, 2019. According to the estimated design capacity, the new production line will produce cell-wall-broken decoction pieces worth nearly 100 million yuan each month. This line alone will add an output of more than 1 billion yuan for Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical per year.

Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical established itself in NHTP in 2000. It has currently established 15 national, provincial and municipal science and technology innovation platforms including post-doctoral research workstations, provincial enterprise technology centers and academician workstations.

Within NHTP, a group of local brand-name enterprises represented by Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical have been building core developmental competitiveness, while helping Zhongshan's health industry achieve high-quality through the continuous innovation of technology.

In recent years, Zhongshan has further increased its support of strategic emerging industries like biomedicine. The city has introduced a series of industrial promotion policies including the "Action Plans on Health and Pharmaceutical Industry Development of Zhongshan 2018-2022".

As the core developmental home of the bio-pharmaceutical industry in Zhongshan, NHTP has not only helped the first group of companies like Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical and A&Z Pharmaceutical to settle here with their upgrade plans and development, but the park has also attracted a new group of innovative projects with independent intellectual property rights and great development potential. These new enterprises include such names as Akeso Biopharma, MinFound Medical, and QuaCell Biotechnology.

In the first half of 2019, NHTP has introduced 25 projects. The total investment for 5 of these projects, namely the QuaCell-Sartorius CMO platform, Yinghe Medical, Yidao, Dechuang Zhigu, and Weier Technology, exceed 100 million yuan.

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