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Garbage disposal gears displayed in Zhongshan
Updated: 2019-09-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The live demo of a large-scale garbage sorting system. [Photo by Yu Zhaoyu]

Companies from Austria, Denmark, France and China showcased their "magic weapons" for waste disposal at the 2019 On-site Exchange Meeting of Urban Waste Treatment Technology held in Torch Development Zone on September 5. The event was sponsored by the Guangdong Emergency Equipment Committee and the Guangdong Association of Circular Economy and Resources Comprehensive Utilization.

At the on-side demonstration of Zhongshan Siruide Machinery Ltd, large domestic waste treatment equipment "ate" steel wire mattresses, refrigerators, paint buckets, bicycles, and so on. A moment later, crushed aggregates of less than 20 cubic centimeters came out of the outlet.

According to the staff on site, the system can also add the sorting, cleaning, drying system to complete waste sorting. "Most of the treated waste is used for resource recycling and a small part of it is burned and finally buried, which is conducive to the sustainable development of the ecological environment," said a technician.

The Austrian-made TP tree branch chipper on display, with a market price of more than 200,000 yuan, can be attached to the rear side of a car, swallow tree branches with a diameter less than 20 centimeters, and spew broken pieces of 2 cubic centimeters.

The most remarkable exhibit is the Komptech mobile crusher imported from Austria. The machine, at a price of 3 to 4 million yuan, can swallow a tree trunk four arm spans around and split out wood of 20 to 30 centimeters. These pieces of wood can be widely used for biological plate, fuel, compost and so on.

The mobile crusher is especially suitable for disaster emergency disposal. In fact, after "Typhoon Mangkhut" disaster last year, the domestic mobile crusher independently developed by Harden Machinery Ltd played a big role in clearing obstacles on the roads in Zhongshan and Zhuhai.

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