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'Zhongshan R&D' helps MinFound Medical develop further
Updated: 2019-09-18    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


MinFound Medical produces state-of-the-art QuantumEye 512-slice intelligent CT machines. [Photo by Xia Shengquan]

Located in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, MinFound Medical System Co Ltd is a leading enterprise in the high-end medical imaging field in China. Three years ago, MinFound Medical decided to set up Zhongshan MinFound Medical Equipment Co Ltd (herein referred to as Zhongshan MinFound) in the National Health Technology Park.

Zhongshan MinFound, MinFound Medical's first branch company in China, has developed rapidly in the past three years, said MinFound Medical's chairman Pan Huasu. In the future, more innovative resources would be allocated to Zhongshan .

A prototype labeled "QuantumEye" is displayed in the most prominent position in MinFound Medical's showroom. The main research and development results for the QuantumEye 512-slice intelligent CT equipment, a main project of the Ministry of Science and Technology during the 2016-2020 period independently developed by MinFound Medical, are from Zhongshan MinFound.

"A large part of research and development on this product was done in Zhongshan. The city government particularly offers strong support for high-tech enterprises. It is a wise decision to set up the south China headquarters in Zhongshan." said Pan Huasu, adding that Zhongshan was located at the forefront of reform and opening up. Its people were open-minded with strong innovation capabilities. Besides, there is the National Health Technology Park, with comprehensive advantages in industrialization and internationalization.

Since its establishment three years ago, Zhongshan MinFound has made significant progresses in scientific research. In July this year, the 128-slice CT machine developed by Zhongshan MinFound received the registration certificate for medical device issued by the State Drug Administration.

Last year, the "New Generation Digital PET/CT Machine R&D and Industrialization Team" of Zhongshan MinFound became the innovation and entrepreneurship team introduced by Guangdong Province. With the help of this group of industry elites, MinFound Medical is accelerating the localization of high-end medical devices.

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