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HOME > Business >Entrepreneurship & Innovation > Galanz Zhongshan base supplies 300 mn kWh of clean energy in 5 years
Galanz Zhongshan base supplies 300 mn kWh of clean energy in 5 years
Updated: 2021-03-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


"Since its launch in October 2015, until February 2021, the photovoltaic power generation project of Galanz Zhongshan base has supplied about 300 million kWh of clean energy." According to a spokesperson for Galanz, the project has saved 95,465 tons of coal and reduced about 297,433 tons of carbon dioxide emissions and 6,862 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions, which achieved great social and economic benefits.

Distributed on the roofs of 42 factory buildings with a total area of 600,000 square meters, the project has an installed capacity of 52 MW and it is the largest single-plant distributed photovoltaic power generation project in the world. The electricity generated by the project accounts for nearly 1/3 of the electricity consumption of the factory.

Since its completion, the project has brought multiple benefits to Galanz, including reducing its plant building energy consumption, relieving pressure on the local power grid, saving energy, and reducing emissions.

A spokesperson for Galanz said that, basing on the photovoltaic power generation project at Zhongshan Base, Galanz would further promote green manufacturing, intensify the R&D of green products, and significantly increase the utilization rate of clean energy in the manufacturing process. Galanz also plans to introduce more low power consumption and high performance home appliances to actively realize carbon neutrality.

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