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Zhongshan elements in StartmeupHK Festival
Updated: 2021-05-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The 2021 StartmeupHK Festival is being held online from May 24 to 28. One of the events of the festival, the "GBA Science and Technology Innovation Forum", held a parallel session in Zhongshan on the morning of May 25.

The online forum connected Zhongshan and Hong Kong with an international exhibition platform as well as offline broadcasts. People in Zhongshan can watch the opening ceremony of the festival in Hong Kong online, and Hong Kong people can learn about the interpretation of scientific and technological innovation policies in Zhongshan online.

Focused on ideas like science, technology, industry and investment in the GBA, the festival captures how to build an ecosystem of scientific and technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area. Leaders in science, technology, investment and industry from China and abroad attended the activity to share their insight on how to empower the industry with technologically-advanced and diversified innovation practices which promote joint sustainable development in the Greater Bay Area.

The "Youth Development Commission", vigorously promoted by Hong Kong, was also part of the festival. Hong Kong entrepreneurs willing to learn about or planning to settle in the GBA were invited to provide opportunities for Zhongshan to introduce scientific research projects and scientific and technological experts from Hong Kong.

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