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Shenzhou-13 'escort chairs' made in Zhongshan
Updated: 2022-04-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


On April 16, the landing capsule of the Shenzhou-13 manned spacecraft touched down at the Dongfeng Landing Site. Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu were pulled out of the capsule safely and smoothly, and they accepted blessings and interviews while lying in the very chairs as they reacclimated to Earth's gravity.


The special chairs they were on after landing were independently developed by ASIS Furniture Co Ltd, a company based in Zhongshan's Nantou Town. These "escort chairs" can support the astronauts' full body in the states of rest, movement and communication, and help them reacclimate to Earth's gravity.

To maximize the safety, comfort and adaptability, Asis Furniture's R&D team had studied a lot in movable protection straps, head support of astronaut in different spacesuits, effective support methods for different postures and etc, aiming to satisfy astronauts' feelings and safety needs.


After landing, astronauts shift around with various means of transportation in the process of returning to base. Taking that into consideration, the R&D team was fastidious about the chair's material selection and shape design to ensure that they can be lightweight and practical functionality to better adapt to various needs of the astronauts.

Special materials were also selected to ensure smooth operation under heavy wind and sand-dust weathers present in the Shenzhou-13's particular landing environment.

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