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Zhongshan-made robots serve Beijing 2022 Winter Games
Updated: 2022-05-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Purple light shines when the robots are executing jobs, and they are also equipped with such functions as automatic obstacle avoidance, smart charging and intelligent route planning. These ultraviolet disinfection robots developed by Wuhan Unione Technology Co Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhongshan-based company Union Optech, made their debut at the National Speed Skating Oval during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and participated in virus disinfection.

The robots can replace human operators for high-efficiency ultraviolet disinfection in dangerous, depopulated and other areas. It has multiple features including high-efficiency disinfection, free from contamination and residue, full-automation, and non-manual intervention, with a disinfection efficiency of 99.99%.

As a product developed, produced and marketed by Union Optech, the ultraviolet disinfection robots allow customization. They have been sold to many cities including Wuhan, Shenzhen and Jingmen and are put into use in hospitals, schools, public service halls and other places.

Currently, a single ultraviolet disinfection robot involves nearly 30 patents, while Union Optech has a total of 757 patents since its establishment. "Union Optech's patent expenses exceeded 900,000 yuan last year." Liang Qili, secretary of the board and deputy general manager of Union Optech, said that patent expenses are an indispensable cost for the rapid development of an enterprise.

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