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Macao young man starts business in Zhongshan
Updated: 2022-05-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Liu Xuecong, deputy general manager of Tonvex Garment Company Limited, whose original family home was in Zhongshan, was born in the 1980s and moved to Macao with his parents.

In 2018, he returned to his hometown and led a software technology team to improve the company's production efficiency, production schedule and real-time performance systems. Through his efforts, the company has increased its efficiency by 40% and become one of the powerful enterprises in Shaxi Town.

"The motives for coming back are not only my love for Zhongshan, but also the development prospects of the mainland." After returning from studying abroad in 2018, Liu chose to return to Zhongshan to work and joined Tonvex Garment Company Limited.

After understanding the company's operation, he began to expand its technical team, opening up a new way to increase sales and improve efficiency.

Not long ago, Liu won the Guangdong Labor Medal in 2022.

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