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1st microwave oven in Tiangong space station developed in ZS
Updated: 2022-07-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The Wentian space laboratory carried by a Long March 5B rocket blasted off from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province on July 24. The second Galanz aerospace microwave oven was therewith sent into the Tiangong space station to provide daily meals for the astronauts.

The first microwave oven brought to the space station was developed at Galanz's Zhongshan base, and the second one adopts the same core technologies as the first one.

The Galanz aerospace microwave oven R&D team has spent ten years making it easier for astronauts to eat in space. Galanz established the aerospace microwave oven R&D project in 2011 and started the research and development of the special magnetron in its Zhongshan base.

It is reported that Galanz has made innovation in component integration and developed a aerospace microwave oven model with super-first-class energy-saving efficiency. The 600-watt machine can provide three astronauts a delicious meal in just 7 minutes. 

On May 29, 2021, the world's first aerospace microwave oven developed by Galanz was brought to the China Space Station by the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft. It had been used for cooking meals for astronauts of the Shenzhou-12, Shenzhou-13 and Shenzhou-14 manned spacecrafts.

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