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1st ZS-made 500kw hydrogen fuel cell powered ship in China launched
Updated: 2023-03-21    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Sanxia Qingzhou 1, China's first 500kw hydrogen fuel cell powered work ship certified by the China Classification Society, was launched at Jianglong Shipbuilding's Zhongshan Science Park on March 17.

The ship, manufactured by Jianglong Shipbuilding, comes with a hydrogen fuel cell and lithium battery power system developed by China Shipbuilding Industry Group. It has a rated hydrogen fuel cell output of 500kw, a maximum speed of 28km/h, and a range of 200km at a cruising speed of 20km/h.

As the first CSS-certified hydrogen ship in China, Sanxia Qingzhou 1 fills a domestic gap in hydrogen fuel cell powered demonstration ships.

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