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​Made in Zhongshan! Special chairs for taikonauts to appear at national expo
Updated: 2024-05-09    Source: Xinhua, Nanfang Plus, Zhongsha Large Medium Small Print


The taikonauts of Shenzhou-17 returned home safely on April 30. As the returning capsule opened, some reacclimatization chairs had been placed at the landing site waiting for the taikonauts.


The special chairs, designed, developed and produced by Sitting Sense, a company based in Zhongshan's Nantou Town, are custom-made for taikonauts. It the fifth consecutive time the company provide reacclimatization chairs for taikonauts following the Shenzhou-13 mission.

From May 10 to 14, Sitting Sense along with its zero-gravity reacclimatization chairs will appear at the Exposition on China Brand 2024.

Human mechanics theory and gravity reduction techniques are applied to the the zero-gravity reacclimatization chair, which can provide whole-body support for taikonauts when they are taking a rest, moving and communicating with others, and help them gradually adapting to the gravitational environment on Earth.

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