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CPA Nucleic Acid Drug Working Committee established in ZS
Updated: 2024-05-21    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The inaugurating meeting of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association's Nucleic Acid Drug Working Committee was held in Zhongshan on May 19, with numerous top experts in the domestic pharmaceutical circle attending.

Currently, Zhongshan has been home to a batch of national key laboratories and branches, provincial innovation platforms, and research stations for academicians and post-doctoral researchers.

On this basis, Zhongshan has also established some critical industrial platforms, such as the National Health Technology Park and the South China Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine City, attracting over 500 biomedicine and related enterprises to settle in and form a complete and coordinated industry chain.

In the future, Zhongshan will continuously deepen and advance the research and application of nucleic acid drugs to facilitate the upgrading of the biomedical industry of the Greater Bay Area relying on the professional strength of the working committee.

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