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Zhongshan sees foreign trade hit record high in 2022
Updated: 2023-01-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Zhongshan's imports and exports reached a record high in 2022 and exceeded 270 billion yuan for the first time. The total imports and exports stood at 279.87 billion yuan, up 3.9% (on year-on-year basis, same below). Specifically, the total exports rose 4.3% to 232.8 billion yuan, and the total imports increased 1.6% to 47.07 billion yuan.

Zhongshan was home to 5,199 enterprises with actual import and export performance, up 18.3%. Among these enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises registered total imports and exports of 141.79 billion yuan, up 4.2%, accounting for 50.6% of the city's total imports and exports in the same period (same below).

Total imports and exports through general trade reached 163.45 billion yuan, down 0.7%, accounting for 58.4%; and imports and exports through processing trade totaled 107.72 billion yuan, up 8.9%, accounting for 38.5%. Zhongshan's imports and exports via cross-border e-commerce management platforms grew fast in the same period, and exports through market purchase reached 3.88 billion yuan, up 105.5%. 

Zhongshan's imports and exports with the US, the EU and Hong Kong, China were 54.3 billion yuan, 41.46 billion yuan and 19.92 billion yuan respectively, down 1.3%, 6.3% and 7.4%. Imports and exports with ASEAN and Japan were 34.91 billion yuan and 16.36 billion yuan respectively, up 14.4% and 8.9%. In the same period, imports and exports with B&R countries and the other RCEP members were 74.82 billion yuan and 68.29 billion yuan respectively, up 15.4% and 10.9%.

Exports of mechanical and electrical products were 173.98 billion yuan, up 3.7%, accounting for 74.7% of the city's total exports. Exports of lamps and lighting fixtures and parts rose 24.9%.

Imports of mechanical and electrical products were 26.03 billion yuan in 2022, down 4%, accounting for 55.3% of the city's total imports. Imports of agricultural products and paper pulp were 4.15 billion yuan and 1.84 billion yuan respectively, up 32.5% and 64.5%.

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