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State-validated high-tech enterprises can obtain 200 thousand yuan
Updated: 2017-08-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On August 21, Zhongshan Science and Technology Bureau issued The Instructions on the Special Fund for Zhongshan’s High-Tech Enterprises. The Instructions are subject to the interpretation of the Bureau. The effective period of the instructions is 3 years since their publishing. 

Subsidy objects of the special fund include the enterprises registered in Zhongshan with independent legal qualification.

The subsidy is granted to the enterprises afterwards. There are seven subsidy items. Enterprises with state validation can receive 200 thousand yuan at one time. For those enterprises that are included in Guangdong high-tech enterprises development database can receive 50 thousand yuan. Enterprises that are capable of generating 20 million yuan or above revenue in three years time will be granted 600 thousand yuan. 

The Instructions emphasize that we should enhance financial support to the high-tech enterprises to accelerate the transformation of quality innovation projects into marketable products.

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