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Zhongshan’s GDP up 7.5% year on year in the first three quarters
Updated: 2017-11-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to the economic situation analysis meeting convened days before, in the first three quarters Zhongshan’s GDP amounted to 256.715 billion yuan, up 7.5% year on year. The export volume amounted to 161.62 billion yuan, raking first in Guangdong province. 

Over the past three quarters, added value of Zhongshan’s above-scale industry increased 7.5% on a year-on-year basis to 114.47 billion yuan. Industrial structure has been optimized continuously, in which case heavy industry grew faster than light industry, and advanced manufacturing, equipment manufacturing and hi-tech manufacturing industries all saw faster development.  

The rapid development of tertiary industry led to its greater contribution to GDP growth. Over the first three quarters, added values of service industry in 9 towns in Zhongshan experienced double-digit growth. Finance, telecommunications and mail business saw faster growth. 

In the first three quarters of 2017, Zhongshan’s fixed assets amounted to 92.82 billion yuan, up 11% year on year. Investment in service industry saw faster growth rate, up 15.7%. Among them, investment in water, environment and public utilities, investment in transportation, storage and mail business, and investment in wholesale and retailing industry grew by 21.3%, 17.8% and 34.0% respectively. 

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