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Guangdong ‘new 10-chapter for the real economy’ strengthens entrepreneurs’ confidence
Updated: 2018-11-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The governments’ great attention to the real economy makes entrepreneurs see the development potential. [File photo]

General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a keynote speech at the national private enterprises symposium on November 1, which highly affirmed the important position and role of the real economy and explicitly brought forward policy moves on supporting the real economy.

Later on November 7, Guangdong municipal people’s government officially implemented the “new 10-chapter for the real economy”.

The governments’ great attention to the real economy makes Zhongshan entrepreneurs see the development potential and strengthens their confidence. 

Guangdong Yalun furnishing company, founded in 2004, is specialized in production of kitchen and household supplies. The company’s president Lin Xiaohu says “new 10-chapter for the real economy” lets private enterprises see promising development potential and enhance their development direction and confidence. In terms of power cost reduction, for example, “new 10-chapter” mentions to cut industrial and commercial electricity price in the whole province and further regulate other electricity-related charges, which will definitely alleviate enterprises’ burden.

In general manager of Guangdong Gaowei Investment company Li Zhenqiu’s view, the most impressive part of “new 10-chapter for the real economy” is the measures in increasing credit aid and direct financing support, which will help private enterprises resolve financing difficulties and improve developmental capacity. 

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