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Zhongshan mission visits Vietnam for economic exchange
Updated: 2018-11-22    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan mission led by Municipal Party Secretary Chen Xudong visited Vietnam on November 17 to 20 for economic exchange, hoping to expand approach and space for industrial cooperation and assist enterprises in going global.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city of Vietnam, Zhongshan mission held the “China (Zhongshan)-Vietnam Economic and Trade Cooperation Exchange”. Chen Xudong said there are huge and promising potential for cooperation between Zhongshan and Vietnam in such areas as machinery manufacturing, textile clothing, home appliance and lighting, modern agriculture, and rosewood furniture. Chen Xudong looked forward to advancing all-round cooperation between Zhongshan and all parties of Vietnam and deepening economic exchange in the context of The Belt and Road Initiative.

In Vietnam’s central city Qui Nhon, Zhongshan mission investigated the planning and construction of Nhan Hoi Economic Zone and held talks with governor of Binh Dinh Province, consul general for China at Da Nang and etc. Zhongshan mission also witnessed the overseas project signing between both sides.

In Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, Zhongshan mission visited the “Menjoy sales exhibition platform” Zhongshan enterprise established in local area, and held a symposium with Vietnam’s largest hotel management group Muong Thanh.

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