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TDZ boosts support for high-end equipment manufacturing and opto-electronics
Updated: 2019-03-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In an effort to increase support for the development of the high-end equipment manufacturing and the opto-electronics industry, Torch Development Zone recently rolled out new special fund management methods for these two sectors.

According to the new policies, Torch Development Zone will arrange at most 30 million yuan per year to finance the introduction of high-end equipment manufacturing projects, the development of high-end equipment manufacturers, and the construction of public service platforms.

Torch Development Zone will also arrange another 30 million yuan at most per year to financially support the opto-electronics industry in terms of project introduction, enterprise development and public service platform building. The subsidizing objects include registered independent legal enterprises, public institutions, public service platforms, public inspection and testing platforms, and profession associations.

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