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Zhongshan's housing fund deposit amount exceeds 5bn yuan last year
Updated: 2019-03-20    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan's housing fund deposit for 2018 reached 5.076 billion yuan, up 22.3% from a year earlier, according to the Zhongshan Housing Provident Fund Management Center. By the end of 2018, the city's total housing fund deposit amount stood at 32.448 billion yuan, while the deposit balance reached 11.682 billion yuan.

Last year, a number of 7,130 employing units paid housing fund for their employees, of which 2,018 newly opened their accounts. In the first two months of this year, another 345 institutions started to pay housing fund.

In terms of fund utilization, Zhongshan approved 3,000 applications for housing fund loans, worth 1.321 billion yuan in 2018. A total amount of 3.161 billion yuan of housing fund was withdrawn by 166,400 employees, of which 88.47% was used for housing consumption and 11.53% was used for other purposes.

Currently, the maximum amount for housing fund loan for an individual can be up to 960,000 yuan.

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