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Xiaolan speeds up zinc-iron-made factory renovations
Updated: 2019-04-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The Smart Lock Industrial Park in Jidong Second community.[Photo provided to Zhongshan Daily]  

As economic and social development progresses, land resources are becoming more and more scarce. In an effort to enhance the carrying capacity and increase average input and output of land resources, Xiaolan Town has been strengthening the renovation of zinc-iron-made factories.

Xiaolan has recently completed the renovation of the Zhuyuan Venture Industrial Park and the Meicheng Creative Industrial Park. The total area renovated is about 150 mu (100,000 square meters). This includes a total of 290,000 square meters of new standardized factory areas, R&D and office areas, and commercial areas. 

In addition, zinc-iron-made factory renovations for Yongning, Lianfeng, and Jidong Second communities in the town have already, or soon will be, launched. These projects will comprise a total area of about 457 mu (304,667 square meters). After renovations, 4 or 5 industrial parks will be built in these communities. These projects are estimated to be the homes for 50 above-scale industry enterprises. The projected productivity generated may reach 4.5 billion yuan of output value and 250 million yuan of taxes per year. 

In the upcoming years, Xiaolan plans to renovate a total of 3,372 mu (2,248,000 square meters) of zinc-iron-made factories.

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