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Enterprise stable employment subsidy available for applicants
Updated: 2019-04-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Job seekers speak with recruiters at a job fair held on March 23 in Zhongshan. [File photo by Miao Xiaojian]

Applications for this year's Enterprise Stable Employment Subsidy are now available in Zhongshan. Eligible companies are required to apply online by June 30 through the official website of the Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (

A company must meet 2 requirements to apply for this subsidy. Firstly, the company, along with its employees, must be enrolled in unemployment insurance. Essentially, this means that they must have had their unemployment insurance premiums paid for all 12 months of 2018. Secondly, the enterprise must not have laid off its employees, or its downsizing rate must be lower than the city's annual registered unemployment rate.

Each qualified company will be provided a stable employment subsidy worth 50% of its unemployment insurance expense from the previous year. The subsidy will be paid by the Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

Government organizations, public institutions, social organizations, private non-enterprise units, township individual economic organizations, and other societies are not eligible for the subsidy.

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