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Zhongshan plans to add 'new types of industrial land'
Updated: 2019-05-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan plans to add a sub-category of "New Types of Industrial Land" under the general category of "Industrial Land". As of now, the Zhongshan Natural Resource Bureau calls for public opinions on the Temporary Administration Methods for New Types of Industries Land (hereinafter referred to as the Methods).

The "New Types of Industrial Land" is known to be the land used in serving innovative industries and providing important auxiliary services in line with the city's industry development orientation. It incorporates functions such as research and development, innovation, design, pilot-scale experiment, testing, production without pollution, productive consulting service, and etc. 

As specified in the Methods, the area of land for new types of industries shall exceed 3 hectares, and shall be located in well-equipped places such as major development platforms and areas, or areas near rail stations.

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