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Zhongshan rosewood companies formulate 4 group standards
Updated: 2019-07-03    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Representatives of more than 70 companies attended a training course organized by the Zhongshan Rosewood Furniture Association on June 28 in the Rosewood Furniture School of Zhongshan Polytechnic. It is reported that more than 40 rosewood companies in Zhongshan jointly participated in the formulation of 4 group standards, which clarified the specific standards for clearly marked prices of the Chinese-style hardwood craft furniture products, including redwood furniture.

The 4 standards formulated included Formulation Specifications for Chinese Hardwood Craft Furniture Product Instruction Manual, Formulation Specifications for Chinese Hardwood Craft Furniture Product Quality Express Card, Formulation Specifications for Chinese Hardwood Craft Furniture Product Certificate, and Formulation Specifications for Chinese Hardwood Craft Furniture Commodity Price Label. They were issued on June 18 and officially took effect on June 26.

Experts said that products manufactured by companies adopting the group standards must have standard specifications, quality express cards, product certificates and price labels when selling their products, and must make corresponding specifications for specific contents. Consumers could better understand the raw materials, manufacturing, use and other related information with respect to products when buying, so as to ensure informed and trustworthy consumption.

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