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Maximum subsidy of 1mn yuan for 3 types of platforms
Updated: 2019-08-22    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Opinions are currently being solicited for the exposure draft of the "Measures for the Use of Special Funds for the Technology Incubation System in Zhongshan".

The exposure draft proposes to fund the maker space, technology business incubator and technology industrial park. Subsequent subsidies will be provided to fund the construction of maker space and incubator.

The subsidies consist of six items. In addition to subsidies for identification, evaluation and increasing incubation area, a maximum subsidy of 1 million yuan will be granted to fund the construction of each overseas incubator or R&D center and professional incubator, and innovation and entrepreneurship project of young people in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.

In addition, up to 5 million yuan will be given annually to the construction of each technology industrial park approved by the Zhongshan Municipal Government; a one-time subsidy of 1 million yuan will be given to each unit identified as a provincial-level high-tech zone.

The exposure draft also refines the identification of municipal-level maker space and incubator. Each incubator (professional incubator) is required to be incubating 20 (10) or more enterprises.

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