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Images: 'Double 11' a battle among livestreaming hosts
Updated: 2021-11-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Our desire for consumption was ignited again on the annual 'Double 11' online shopping spree. Nowadays, livestreaming hosts have become an important bridge between merchants and consumers and have served as vital spokespersons for commodities.

Overtime work is common for livestreaming hosts leading up to the 'Double 11' online shopping spree. Liang Entong once worked for 6-7 hours a day, from around 4 or 5 pm until to 2 am the next day. It is a tiring job, but livestreaming hosts like her have to keep their spirits up.

What really gets them excited is the transaction data, and rising numbers is the greatest reward for their hard work.


Taking a nap during the break.


Communicating with the supervisor.


Interacting skillfully with online shoppers in front of the camera.


Introducing products in the live streaming studio.


Training new employees.


The hosts hang up cheering up banners for the approaching busiest time of the year. 


Company distributes food to employees.


Young employees bustle aound the office past midnight.


In the early morning, several young hosts walk home on silent streets after work. [Photo by Yu Zhaoyu]

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