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CCTV highlights Zhongshan's efforts in GBA development
Updated: 2022-02-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

From February 22 to 24, CCTV-4 Channel's "China News" program will broadcast news about Zhongshan's efforts in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The first episode which aired on the evening of February 22 introduced Zhongshan's promotion of institutional connectivity with Hong Kong and Macao.

Zhongshan serves as an important hub in the GBA. Currently, Zhongshan is seizing the development opportunities brought by the construction of the GBA and the Shenzhen Demonstration Pilot Zone for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, the Hengqin and Qianhai cooperation zones, and especially the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge, actively taking part in the integrated GBA development, and strengthening institutional connectivity with Hong Kong and Macao.

Zhongshan has launched a series of measures to provide convenience for Hong Kong and Macao residents and enterprises in terms of cross-border operation, employment, education and dwelling. Young people from Hong Kong and Macao can get subsidies and support when they work in Zhongshan.

At the same time, Zhongshan is taking advantages of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge construction to enhance connection with Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Zhongshan has offered services to support the construction Hong Kong's northern metropolitan area, enhanced connection in terms of Hong Kong regulations, and promote the "Researched in Hong Kong, Made in Zhongshan" mode. Zhongshan has also proposed to strengthen connection with Hong Kong in the modern service industry.

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