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Zhongshan has over 530,000 registered market entities
Updated: 2022-05-05    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


As of the end of March, the number of registered market entities in Zhongshan exceeded 530,000, showing a continuously increasing vitality of the private economy and an accelerating growth rate of market entities.

The number of newly introduced enterprises in the first four months of this year saw a substantial increase, nearly three times that of the number of enterprises moving out of Zhongshan. Thanks to improvements to Zhongshan's business environment, more high-quality enterprises have been drawn to the city.

The vitality of private economy has consistently increased. In the first quarter of this year, the number of private enterprises and individual businesses exceeded 200,000 and 300,000 respectively. The number of private market entities in Zhongshan reached 510,278, up 12.09% year on year, accounting for 96.36% of the total number of market entities; The registered capital (funds) attributed to these market entities was 563.503 billion yuan, up 16.19% year-on-year, accounting for 57.28% of the total market entity capital in Zhongshan.

By the end of March, the number of market entities in Zhongshan ranked 5th among 19 prefecture-level cities in Guangdong.

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