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Zhongshan issues measures for use of incubator funds
Updated: 2022-12-02    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On November 29, the Zhongshan Bureau of Science and Technology issued the Measures for Use of Sci-tech Incubation Funds in Zhongshan (Measures), aiming to strengthen the construction of sci-tech incubators in Zhongshan, improve the sci-tech incubation system, and create a sound sci-tech innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Sci-tech incubators include maker spaces, sci-tech business incubators, sci-tech business accelerators, university science parks, sci-tech industrial parks, and other incubators. The Measures specify the requirements and processes of incubator identification, and support towns and districts in working with Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao to develop remote incubators and accelerators according to their industrial features. Based on the construction performance of towns and districts, Zhongshan will grant a subsidy accounting for 30% of the investment and a maximum subsidy of 2 million yuan.

Zhongshan will offer support for professional incubator construction. For public scientific instruments and equipment purchased for the construction of public laboratories, and public technical R&D and service platforms of professional incubators, Zhongshan will grant a subsidy accounting for not more than 40% of the purchase amount and a maximum subsidy of 1 million yuan.

Zhongshan will support young people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in making innovations and starting business, and grant a lump sum subsidy of 1 million yuan to each Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan youth innovation & entrepreneurship demonstration base approved by the People's Government of Guangdong Province.

The Measures also propose a maximum annual subsidy of 5 million yuan for each sci-tech industrial park approved by the Zhongshan People's Government.

The Measures shall come into effect as of the date of release and remain valid for three years.

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