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HOME > Business >Investment Climate > Huangpu prepares 1,000+ mu of land for industrial park renovation
Huangpu prepares 1,000+ mu of land for industrial park renovation
Updated: 2022-12-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Huangpu held a press conference on industrial park renovation on December 13, announcing that by December 10, it had organized and prepared some 1,016 mu of land for the campaign, overfulfilling the annual task.

With an aim to integrate with the trillion yuan-level intelligent home appliance industrial cluster, Huangpu has been putting efforts in building a 10,000-mu home appliance manufacturing hinterland by connecting Galanz's Zhongshan production base with Ma'an, Dacen and other areas that are carrying out industrial park renovation.

Huangpu has planned to propel the contiguous renovation of Dacen, Maxin, Xinfeng and Dayan areas, with a total area of more than 1,000 mu. The town has 18 industrial park renovation projects in progress, including the Chuangzhi Industrial City, the Yufeng Innovation Park and the Guohong Industrial Park. Among them, six projects including the Guanglin Home Appliances and Baoshi Plastic projects have been completed, and the Qiangli Appliances and Huaqiang Appliances projects have entered the final stage.

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