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CCTV puts spotlight on Zhongshan's industrial park renovation
Updated: 2022-12-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

CCTV news channel on December 25 reported the stories behind the reorganization of 13,000 mu of industrial land in Zhongshan for the city's industrial park renovation campaign.


Zhongshan Intelligent Home Appliances Industrial Park (Dacen) is a key project of renovating 1,000 mu of continuous land for an industrial park. Involving 105 plots and more than 350 enterprises, it is the largest and most complicated contiguous renovation project. The most difficult parts of the renovation are how to make compensation and how to show the benefits of the renovation, according to Wu Yiming, an official of the Huangpu Industrial Park Renovation Office.

In this process, the work leading group on industrial park renovation helped Ms Wang, an enterprise operator, to find a new plant, apply for new business licenses, and communicate with the owner of her original plant on relocation compensation. With the efforts of relevant sides, a sum of more than 1.4 million yuan in compensation was remitted to her bank account. Yangzi Electric, was one of the enterprises with zinc and iron plants in the Dacen area. The company moved into the vacated land and conducted digital renovation in the context of COVID-19 epidemic, but its annual orders conversely increased by nearly 20%.

In the first-stage land consolidation of the Dacen area, the original 14 enterprises above the designated size all chose to stay. Up to now, Zhongshan has demolished and consolidated nearly 12,000 mu of low-efficiency industrial land, which is expected to bring a total new investment of over 50 billion yuan.

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