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Zhongshan reports GDP of 363.128 billion yuan in 2022
Updated: 2023-01-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In 2022, Zhongshan effectively coordinated epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, and maintained steady economic growth.

According to the unified accounting results of Guangdong's GDP, Zhongshan registered GDP of 363.128 billion yuan in 2022, up 0.5% year on year. The city's added value of the primary industries was 8.92 billion yuan, up 5.9% year on year; the added value of the secondary industries was 179.525 billion yuan, even with 2021; and the added value of the tertiary industries was 174.683 billion yuan, up 0.8% year on year.

The added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size stood at 139.952 billion yuan in 2022; the added value of manufacturing enterprises dropped by 1.6% year on year; and the added value of power, thermal, gas, water production and supply enterprises increased by 3.2% year on year. Among the 30 manufacturing industries in operation, the added value of electric machinery and equipment manufacturing decreased by 1.6% year on year; the manufacturing of computers, communications devices and other electronic devices rose by 6.7% year on year.

The added value of the service sector was up 0.8% year on year, the added value of the financial sector was up 6.9% year on year, the balance of financial institutions' deposits in domestic and foreign currencies as of the end of December was up 12.7% year on year, and the balance of loans was up 8.8% year on year.

The structure of fixed assets investments was optimized. The industrial investment rose by 20.4%. Specifically, the investments in manufacturing, advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing increased by 20.2%, 29.7% and 38.2% respectively, and the investment in industrial technology transformation decreased by 8.6%. The investment in infrastructure was up 11.5%, and the investment in real estate development was down 23.4%.

Zhongshan's total retail sales of consumer goods in 2022 were 159.342 billion yuan. The CPI rose by 1.9% year on year, and the per capita disposable income of residents was 59,764 yuan.

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