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5th Zhongshan Cross-Strait Forum set to open on Sep 7
Updated: 2023-09-06    Source: China Daily, Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

A cross-Strait forum focusing on exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan is scheduled to open on Thursday (September 7) in Zhongshan, hometown of China's democratic revolution forerunner Sun Yat-sen.

The Fifth Zhongshan Cross-Strait Forum will feature discussions of hot topics, exchanges, cooperation and development of youth groups from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the event's organizers announced at a news conference on Monday.

Three sub-forums will also be held around the three main themes of politics, economy and culture at Sun Yat-sen University and in Macao and Zhongshan, organizers said.

A center aiming to introduce talent from Taiwan and transform technology achievements will also be launched during the forum, with 80 doctors from Taiwan invited to visit high-tech companies, sci-tech research institutes and universities in Zhongshan.

Through construction of the talent and technology center, some 200 people with high-level talent from Taiwan are expected to work at universities, enterprises and technology research centers across Guangdong this year.

A mascot and cultural IP image for exchanges between Guangdong and Taiwan were also unveiled on Monday (September 4). The mascot image features two lively Chinese white dolphins, with typical kapok flowers from Guangdong and butterfly orchids from Taiwan embroidered on heads of each dolphin.


Zhongshan is one of the regions on the Chinese mainland with most investors and businesses from Taiwan. Currently, there are over 1,400 approved Taiwan-funded enterprises engaging in over 20 fields in the city, with a total investment of US$ 5.78 billion.

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