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New plan unveiled to build law-based business environment
Updated: 2024-05-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Cuiheng New District recently released the first action plan on building a law-based business environment aligning with Shenzhen standards for the 2024-2025 period.

Judicial protection of intellectual property rights in key sectors and crucial technologies should be enhanced and the punitive compensation system should be implemented.

Plans also include building the Zhongshan legal service center jointly with the Zhongshan Justice Bureau, expediting the agglomeration of business-related legal service resources in terms of commercial conciliation, arbitration, notarization, judicial expertise and attorney services, and establishing model legal service windows for digital network.

The Plan proposes to deepen the application of the "conciliation & arbitration" connecting mode to efficiently handle local commercial disputes, establish a cross-city dual-connection and mediation mechanism with Shenzhen Bao'an District, and establish Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-border mediation studios.

The Plan also proposes Cuiheng New District (Nanlang District) to comprehensively innovate foreign-related legal services and encourage law firms in Hong Kong and Macao to settle in the district.

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