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13 towns in ZS among top 500 nationwide in economy
Updated: 2024-05-10    Source: Nanfang Plus Large Medium Small Print

The latest ranking of China's top 500 in town economy was released on May 8. Thirteen towns in Zhongshan, one more than last year, made the list, and many of them made big ranking improvements.


▲Xiaolan Town

As the only town in Zhongshan to make the top 100, Xiaolan ranked 17th nationwide this year.

Several towns in Zhongshan ranked close to the top 100, including Tanzhou (114th), Nantou (115th) and Dongfeng (119th). A total of 10 towns were among the top 200.

Among the 13 towns in Zhongshan that made the top 500 list, 12 have made improvements in ranking, including the newly selected Shaxi. Henglan moved up to 129th from 208th, and Sanjiao to 196th from 284th.

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