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Zhongshan takes lead in implementing 'Hong Kong drugs made in Guangdong'
Updated: 2024-05-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Guangdong Province announced the second batch of 16 typical cases which promote the convergence of cooperative mechanisms within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area on May 13. Zhongshan made the list for its pioneering implementation of the "Hong Kong Drugs Made in Guangdong" program.

Basing on a work plan Guangdong releases for the innovative development of drugs and medical devices supervision in the Greater Bay Area, Zhongshan has established a mechanism connecting entrustment, production and sales of Hong Kong drugs. Vitamin-C effervescent tablets presented by United Laboratories in Hong Kong now can be produced in Zhongshan.


As of February 2024, Zhongshan has manufactured nearly 19 million vitamin-C effervescent tablets, some 14 million tablets are being sold.

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