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Fusha holds investment promotion event in Shenzhen
Updated: 2024-06-25    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Zhongshan's Fusha town organized an investment promotion event in Shenzhen on June 21.

Before the event, directors of seven industrial parks, including Zhicheng Huigu, Datang Shengshi and Kang'ao 5G, went to Nanshan district to search for outstanding enterprises in the fields of new energy, new materials, emergency photovoltaics and healthcare.

Five enterprises and institutions from Shenzhen and other areas, covering such fields as new-type energy storage, visual chips and nano protection, were invited to conduct roadshows.

Multiple fund cooperation projects, new investment promotion projects and industrial park entry projects were showcased at the event. Among them, the Fusha Jinshuo Technology Innovation Industry Sub-fund was signed, with a fund size of 300 million yuan.

Seven key projects were signed on stage, with a total intended investment of over 2 billion yuan, involving high-tech industries such as new materials, semiconductors and new-type displaying.

In addition, a group of enterprises in the fields of electronic information, cosmetic medicine and healthcare signed move-in contracts with certain industrial parks in Fusha.

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